It just has to be...I mean Orson Scott Card emailing me...
I'm serious, yep, the MAN was given a link to my blog by the author of the Ender's Game Companion, Jake Black, who is an amazing person!! I would like to thank both of these men for rocking and for being so gosh darn wonderful!!
So Scard said he was honored by my blog...I laughed, cause he's the one who emailed me! Then I went on googletalk and told one friend...then went on the phone with my mother and then I called my friend in IL, and then I died...surviving only to post this for all of you who I didn't call or talk to...AHHHH!
This hardly seems the place to do this...oh well!
Orson Scott Card you rock my socks...and Jake Black thank you for everything!!
AHHHHHHHH! My life is so absolutely amazing!