This book was fantastic. I was absolutely enthralled by the entire novel-page for page. I would dream of it at night wanting to read it faster and faster and be done with it. AHH! If you like Scard you'll like this.
Stone Tables is basically like Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel and Leah. Except because it is based off of the play, it's better. I mean less of the background stuff, and more of the dialog and action. Plus Moses is so much fun to read about. Of course when I was reading I realized that one must not assume it is like the movie that they show every Easter (it's better). Reading this really makes me want to see the play, and get the soundtrack.
Stone Tables is very LDS, but I recommend it to anyone--regardless of religion. If you like Orson Scott Card you can't miss this novelization.
If you've read it-feel free to comment about your experience, or (please) if you've seen the play email me and tell me what you thought. Thanks!