Okay so I apologize immediately for the chicken and the frog. I was having a girly moment and I couldn't help myself. Let's just all agree that as long as they are here...which might be a while...or a few days that they are my little annoying friends. The frog's name is Dinker like Dink Meeker. I thought it was a cute frog name...and the chicken well lets just say it's annoying enough to merit the name Bonito...pretty boy...Bonzo..LoL HA HA!
I guess you'll have to tolerate them for a while until my brain get screwed back on...in the mean time enjoy them, and feed them...that's the fun part. But be careful with that chicken (who knows what he could do)
If you, by some miraculous...miracle actually enjoy having them on the page then well I ask you to petition me (through comments) never to have my brain screwed back on. That'll do it. Sorry and Good Luck??!