25 May 2007

The Enderverse

Several books make up the Enderverse. These are stories contained within the same world of that of Ender. Kinda like there can be Star Wars novels that have nothing to do with Luke or even Jedi. So here'e the list:

Ender's Game (definetly start with this one, it's very essential and it's fun)
Speaker for the Dead (we wouldn't have Ender's Game[the novel] without this book)
Children of the Mind

First Meetings

Ender's Shadow
Shadow of the Hegemon (still workin' on the pronunciation of this 'un let's try Hedge-uh-mon, or He-jah-mon, kay?)
Shadow Puppets (which was originally going to be called Shadow of Death)
Shadow of the Giant

also a whole slew of short fiction including a not yet released graphic novel called Gold Bug(more on that later...)
The Enderverse is fun and cool, so try it out, take it for a spin, and don't blame me for Scard's blatent disregard for his charactes well-being, sanity, and personal happiness.

Also in the Enderverse we are all awaiting hopefully two new arrivals...a book after Ender's Game and before Speaker tentatively being called Ender in Exile: Ganges...and a book that will rap up the end of both Giant and Children...called Shadows in Flight right now. *grins*

24 May 2007


Okay so there is this website where a guy writes about an experience with Card. Let's just agree that it's not very Nice. He states that Orson Scott Card, being a mormon, is part of a science fiction mormon league. This is laughable. Hilarious. One, most mormons have A. never read scard, and B. don't agree with his swearing, ideas, and attitude. Most of the LDS community would laugh at the idea that Orson is working with other Mormons to produce a book meant to convert non-LDS people to mormonism. (I know I do.) In fact one of the retorts that someone posted reads...
"How could this possibly be any sort of propaganda coup for the LDS church?? 'Oh, ho look! You've been tricked into believing Hitler might possibly be forgiveable! NOW YOU MUST ALL BECOME MORMONS, BECAUSE WE HAVE SHOWN YOU THE WAY THROUGH ENDER!!!'"
There is actually more, but you'll have to find it for yourself. Anyway thanks to that guy for such an awesome quote.

I would now like to expound further. What have we been shown by the Ender's Game novels?? Just wondering if any of you had any special experiences (mormon or otherwise) about like things you learned or things you felt. How you grew or just how mad you are at Scard sometimes (don't worry, we all do it)! Feel free to post a comment, and I will tell you my story sometime soon. Tchus!

22 May 2007


In Ender's Game, OSC makes a big deal of telling the time lapse by telling us that Ender has had his birthday, but he NEVER tells us when his birthday is. So if deduced by the context, and somewhat predicated on his namesake, Saint Andrew we get these most likely possiblities

May 15
July 4
August 22
August 24
November 30

You'll notice Scard's birthday in the mix. In the intro of the author's definitive edition of Ender's Game, he says that Ender is based off himself and off of his son. If anyone can find Geoffrey Card's birthday, I'd be glad to have it. Because truthfully after 3 days of searching info on him at google--I GOT NOTHING! thanks.

21 May 2007

An Ender's Game Character List

I have been trying to make a comprehensive character list for Ender's Game and The Speaker for the Dead for quite a while now. Here's what I have so far.

Ender Wiggin
Valentine Wiggin
Peter Wiggin
John Paul Wiggin
Theresa Wiggin
Bean (Julian) Delphinki
Petra Arkanian
Fly Molo
Dink Meeker
Han Tzu
Bernard (or Sebastian if you prefer)
Colonel Graff
Major Anderson
Mazer Rackham
Crazy Tom
Bonzo Madrid
Rose the Nose
Carn Carby
Pol Slattery
William Bee

The Hive Queen
Mayor Bosquinha

I know there are some missing. If you think of any please post a comment so I can finish my list. Thanks!!

20 May 2007

My Thoughts on Scard's Writing

Oh...how to start. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Yeah, that works. Okay so I am partial to the sci-fi, fantasy world regardless. Add Mr. Orson Scott to the mix and I basically...melt. I really like his books(as well I should) but I think my favorite part is that the characters are real. The people he creates are real. They make sense, they have hard decisions to make, they feel. If you poke them with a stick--they feel it. Take the ultimate example, Ender(of course), who is such a round character that it is impossible to not feel some of his pain. I have written a whole essay on Card's ability to characterize, and I will probably post that sometime in the future.
I also really like Card's attention to the story. He is an amazing storyteller. When you read Scard...make sure you try to keep an open mind and focus on some of the intricate details and don't try to be a literary critic. Read for feeling, for emotion. The entire experience is breathtaking. I hope you enjoy.

Orson Scott Card Bio

Okay so this is from memory so I apologize for anything I get wrong or miss or whatever.
Orson Scott Card is named after his grandfather, related to Brigham Young. He was born on Aug. 24th 1951 in Richland, Washington. He lived in Arizona, Califonia, and Orem, Utah as a child and teenager. He graduated from BYU High School after his junior year and began attending Brigham Young University with an academic scholarship. He was studying archaeology(sp?) until he realized he was taking a lot of theater classes. He switched his major and lost his scholarship. He went on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to Brazil for two years. He began a theater company that did okay, but eventually crumpled. He began writing sci-fi short stories to bring in some extra money. He and his wife Kristine moved to Greensboro, North Carolina with two kids. Now they have had five children, Michael Geoffrey, Emily Janice, Charlie Ben, Zina Margaret, and Erin Louisa (Charlie Ben died at age 17 and Erin Louisa died the day she was born). Card now with over fifty novels, tons of short stories, and several plays is considered one of the most influential sci-fi writers. Card now teaches at Southern Virginia University and lives at home with his wife and youngest daughter. Finally I will say that if you want to understand Card, read Lost Boys. It's practically a biography.

19 May 2007

Orson Scott Card Podcasts

So I've basically been listening to all my podcasts, somewhat obsessively. And well I decided to look up some podcasts for OSC. There aren't any. There are a few podcasts with a short and somewhat okay segment talking about Scard or interviewing him (Those are cool. Ahh! Hearing his voice!) So I thought to myself, why don't you start a podcasts. And then I realized that I have absolutely no idea how...so the entire point of this post is to beg those of you who can, and will, MAKE A OSC PODCAST!! Please. You have one subscriber, right here!

Scard Websites


Check these out if you haven't yet. They are some of the best sources for Orson Scott Card info. Especially ansiblemoo.org where you can play in the battle school as one of the characters, enjoy.

First Post: Intro

This is a simple blog for all the Orson Scott Card fanatics that exist somewhere outthere. I am prepared to try to express my adoration for Scard--as we've lovingly come to know him. I am so excited to share some of my stuff with you. Hope you enjoy.