30 August 2007

Or at Least That's the Impression I Get

The poll is closed, I think. I am so glad for everyone that voted, and am surprised at the results. First off, A War Of Gifts clearly won...can't say I would've thought otherwise. Let's face it--it's an Enderverse novel--more people are going to want to read it.
In second place was Invasive Procedures...even if just barely. I can't believe Space Boy was last...that blows my mind away. Space Boy has all these interviews and articles attached to it...I thought for sure it would blow Invasive right out of the water!
So there you have it...the results are in and the poll is closed for good! One minor note I think I forgot however was that you could vote for more than one of them...which might have changed things just a little. I know for sure that at least one person voted for all three--which is perfectly fine by me, except I think I should have mentioned to you that you could do that...

28 August 2007

Exciting Things Are Happening

Yes, exciting and monumental...
Most of them are nondisclosable and therefore will be reserved to close friends and family. One of the things I will share with you is my experience in ENG 101 today. So we have to type a paper on something we learned...so I plug in my jump drive and making some minor changes to When I Learned What Love Is... I turned that in. So my teacher has received one OSC paper today. Won't he be surprised and delighted to find yet another one on Thursday! Yep, we were supposed to write about an author that we thought used writing effectively. That sounds an awful lot like Scard to me!

So here it is for you, so you can grade it before my teacher does and post comments on it(please). I hope you enjoy it!

Writing that Affects and is Effective

What makes an author and his writing effective? Perhaps it is merely the accomplishment of what the author intended, or perhaps it is in understanding the purpose of the article. Maybe it is only accomplished if the spirit behind the piece is understood—maybe. Here we measure the effectiveness of a sample of writing through three basic indicators: First, did you understand the content and the message as well as the theory behind the writing. Second, did you make a personal connection between your life and what the author through his prose was suggesting? Finally, do you consider yourself changed, transformed, or made anew by what you read and experienced?

The criterion for an effective writer is accomplished by Orson Scott Card in this piece, Hey, Who Are You Calling a Cult, if only to some readers. In this piece he keeps the content and the message simple and the purpose straightforward. He clearly labels each section and stays on topic throughout each paragraph. Additionally, he makes each point in easy-to-understand language, not trying to impress, but rather to communicate his ideas.

Furthermore he accomplishes the second ideal through his ability to write for a person rather than to a person. Card always tries to communicate with his readers and express complex ideas directly to him. In this article, Card plays with emotions and our moral obligations pointing out the things that the readers will feel on a more religious level and even a innate moral level. He speaks to our minds and our hearts.

When he communicates on this personal level he makes connections with his readers insomuch that they enter a metamorphosis of the mind. The intention of all great writers is to have an impact upon the mind and the lives of each person that reads their opinions, ideas, and articles. If by reading this article you see the demand for changes in your life, then what you are reading has affected you. It is the actual changing of normal thought patterns and lifestyles that makes an author effective.

I know that I was affected by not only this essay but also by many of the essays by Card. I know that he is an effective writer, because he has made a difference in the things I say, the way I write, the books I read, how much I spend at the bookstore, in the way I treat the people around me. He has become not only an effective writer but also a dynamic one at that.

27 August 2007

The Counter

If you are reading this you have been counted...

Okay, so the counter was kind of impulsive. You wanna hear that story...
So I was on Hatrack a couple o' days ago, and well I noticed that it had a counter at the bottom left hand corner...and all the little planets of the internet and my mind lined up...so you can see what number you are! Of course it's way off because I just got it now in August, whereas I have been blogging since May. It's just for fun, and a lot of the numbers are me, so I am NOT trying to brag or even really keep track of you...I just like it. Oh and I like watching the numbers as they rise...I mean I can't believe I've come so far just since I added the counter.

You know what this means...very few of you who visit are leaving comments...I need comments...please...

24 August 2007

Happy Birthday

I'd like to announce the 56th annual Orson Scott Card birthday celebration-a-thon!!! This is the day that OSC himself was brought into this world...*sigh*...anyway I have come up with some ways to celebrate not only Scard but also his most loved character--Ender Wiggin. Today I want you all to put on your grey, orange, grey clothes...I want you to carry your Ender's Game copy around with you everywhere...I want you to go to Borders and say hello to the OSC section...and maybe whilst you are there you can pick up a brand new Scard book...get Space Boy, read it today, post a comment to wish Orson Scott Card the happiest of birthdays!!!
Oh and those of you who signed OSC's birthday card...I um kinda forgot to send it to him...so I apologize...maybe we can send it next year!

Happy Birthday, Orson Scott Card...for now and forever!

23 August 2007

The Tears Keep Flowing

Now there are quite a few people who have cried while reading Ender's Game or Speaker for the Dead...but it never occurred to me wonder how many books (preferably by OSC) have made you shed a tear, or two.

My list is pretty extensive:
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Shadow of the Giant
The Worthing Saga
Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus
The Folk of the Fringe
Several books in the Alvin Maker series
Several of the Short Stories

I think that's all, but I never really realized the emotional impact from all the books besides Ender's Game...oh and, no I didn't cry in Children of the Mind when Ender died...I thought to myself Finally, this wonderful character can rest in peace. Finally Card cannot touch him any longer. He's free! That may be a little to gushy for some of you, but...sorry.
Feel free to post a comment about your tearjerking experiences!

19 August 2007

Serenity and Firefly

There has been a brand new special edition of Serenity released. Yes, I can feel your excitement. Serenity is one of OSC's favorite sci-fi, and I remember a review where he says he'd like the Ender's Game movie to be just like it.

The entire series of Firefly and the accompanying movie (of which I previously mentioned) is a fantastic experience. I mean who doesn't love a great space western/comedic characterization show. I am serious! This is a really great series...that unfortunately has only one season...which makes it easy to buy, and support.

Oh here's a link to the special edition...and I hope you will consider renting the series, or buying it, or leaving a comment about just how amazing Mal and River are!!!

Check It Out!! (Scard loves it! Why not you???)

15 August 2007

I Put Up a Poll

I actually figured out what to put up as a poll...so you should vote. You really should! Oh and you can vote for more than one...and you can vote every day that you come here, but please keep it to once a day (I don't think it'll let you vote more anyway).

14 August 2007

I Want to Post Something Amazing

Okay so here I am sitting at the computer after having had personal communication with Scard...and I really feel like i ought to post something wonderful! I feel like I should have an epiphany to share with you all...but I don't :( All I feel like saying is yipee and hip hip hooray...but I won't do that anymore...the point of all this is to share with you my desire to post something beyond all that I've ever posted, and I can't.

I do want to tell you that if you're not sure about buying "A War of Gifts"--DO IT! You will not be sorry! Just trust me!

There is so much in my life to be grateful for--the ability to be completely obsessed, the undying presence of the church in my life, and Logan who planted the seed of Ender's Game in my mind...Oh yeah, and Willard and Peggy Card for being amazing parents to an author who has completely changed the course of my existence!! Yay!

13 August 2007

Today Must Be My Birthday...

It just has to be...I mean Orson Scott Card emailing me...
I'm serious, yep, the MAN was given a link to my blog by the author of the Ender's Game Companion, Jake Black, who is an amazing person!! I would like to thank both of these men for rocking and for being so gosh darn wonderful!!
So Scard said he was honored by my blog...I laughed, cause he's the one who emailed me! Then I went on googletalk and told one friend...then went on the phone with my mother and then I called my friend in IL, and then I died...surviving only to post this for all of you who I didn't call or talk to...AHHHH!
This hardly seems the place to do this...oh well!
Orson Scott Card you rock my socks...and Jake Black thank you for everything!!
AHHHHHHHH! My life is so absolutely amazing!

12 August 2007

Stone Tables Soundtrack...

I seem to have purchased this CD online...maybe.
I bought it, whether they have any in stock remains unseen. I am so excited about the Soundtrack. I mean this is cooler than making an OSCfanmix (which I've done). I think I might explode. I just really hope it comes. Now just to get my hands on the original play ;) I am so crazy.
I was reading a website called Musing on Orson Scott Card...very nice website! (not written by me) And I put a link on the side bar so check it out. There are some great reviews by a person who has read alot of Card's work (and enjoys it). I am so excited about the new book which come out soon...Space Boy August 20th. I am gonna buy mine on Aug 24th to celebrate Scard's birthday! Oh and I don't even care that it is Hardcover. I am obsessed! Yay!

11 August 2007

Stone Tables Review

This book was fantastic. I was absolutely enthralled by the entire novel-page for page. I would dream of it at night wanting to read it faster and faster and be done with it. AHH! If you like Scard you'll like this.
Stone Tables is basically like Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel and Leah. Except because it is based off of the play, it's better. I mean less of the background stuff, and more of the dialog and action. Plus Moses is so much fun to read about. Of course when I was reading I realized that one must not assume it is like the movie that they show every Easter (it's better). Reading this really makes me want to see the play, and get the soundtrack.
Stone Tables is very LDS, but I recommend it to anyone--regardless of religion. If you like Orson Scott Card you can't miss this novelization.
If you've read it-feel free to comment about your experience, or (please) if you've seen the play email me and tell me what you thought. Thanks!

05 August 2007

About the Animals

Okay so I apologize immediately for the chicken and the frog. I was having a girly moment and I couldn't help myself. Let's just all agree that as long as they are here...which might be a while...or a few days that they are my little annoying friends. The frog's name is Dinker like Dink Meeker. I thought it was a cute frog name...and the chicken well lets just say it's annoying enough to merit the name Bonito...pretty boy...Bonzo..LoL HA HA!
I guess you'll have to tolerate them for a while until my brain get screwed back on...in the mean time enjoy them, and feed them...that's the fun part. But be careful with that chicken (who knows what he could do)

If you, by some miraculous...miracle actually enjoy having them on the page then well I ask you to petition me (through comments) never to have my brain screwed back on. That'll do it. Sorry and Good Luck??!

01 August 2007

Inspiration from Nebraska

Okay, so I randomly wrote this in my car while my parents were taking me out to college in Utah...I hope you like it...it's not necessarily about Scard, but it was definitely inspired by him.

Thou Art God

When I write a story, I write a tale…one of truth, and pain, and virtue. When I write about a character, I share with you his life…his heart, his short-comings, and his soul. I believe that one must never forget the entirety of a song, or a novel, or a person. I believe that to fully understand a man you must see him not as he sees himself, but as God sees him.

Thou Art God

When a God creates a world he thinks not of the majority and not of the minority…but of balance. Is my world stable? Will the positive and the bad remain equal?
Sure enough, there is no good without evil, and there is no joy without pain. A God is one who knows this and has the strength to create anyway.

Thou Art God

Once a man tried to defy the laws and he was rebuked. Another time a different man also tried to break one of the statutes of the land, this man was burned at the stake. Once again, a man offended the courts of the land in which he lived…he went without punishment…another, we convicted in his place…
The laws of mammon.

Thou Art God

When a story is recorded in heaven…no part is left out…no thought…no word…no deed.

Thou Art God

How does one share the truth except by example? How does one receive help except by first reaching out a hand? How does one give a little money, save he receives some money first? How, in life, does one share something that they own not? How does one show a belief except they act upon it?

Thou Art God

When a tale is told, the a life is not forgotten. When a story is told, a tale is forgotten. When a novel is written, a story is forgotten. When a novel fails, a novel is forgotten. When a man fails at writing a novel, he fails at being an author.

Thou Art God

An author once wrote to me, personally, or so it seemed. He spoke through a child character. I know that that author tells tales of importance, tales of impact on the soul. I was changed by what he wrote…changed by the story that he spoke into my heart. He was an author of unseen proportions—if only to me!

Thou Art God

Written once in a story.

Thou Art God

Written once in the hearts of men.

Thou Art God

The truth of a creator is that he creates with love. That he creates without bias. That he creates with knowledge. That he cannot create without faith. The truth of a creator is that he loves all that he creates.

Thou Art God