I currently live in Illinois--which is landlocked, but I will be moving (in less than a month) to Utah, which is...also landlocked...hmm. Coincidence-I think not. Let's talk about oceans-Scard lives by an ocean. The Atlantic one. How does he like that? Have you ever wondered? I personally don't like salt water, or sand for that matter. But Orson Scott Card a man who grew up in Utah, Arizona, and California (though I don't know which part), how does he enjoy living in North Carolina. The obvious answer is he likes it. He's stayed there for years. Reading Lost Boys gives one a feel for what life is like there, apart from the crazy psycho killers.
So here is the purpose of this post...if someone that reads this is on the coast..preferably the Atlantic Coast (but I am not gonna nit pick) then please post a comment (or email me at scard07@gmail.com) about how the "ocean" impacts your life/livelihood. I really am curious! The closest thing we have to an ocean is the Mississippi River (which we ignore, for the most part). Thanks!