30 September 2007

Water in the Corners of My Eyes

Inter-Galatic Medicine Show issue six is finally out! Thank goodness! I have been waiting forever…seriously where else can you buy Card happiness for only $2.50? I was very pleased with the new Enderverse story…and I much appreciated that it was not about Christmas in the Battle School (it would have been less climactic…) like The War of Gifts will be. I was so happy to see Peter like that, yay!

Also, those of you debating Invasive Procedures…what are you debating? Talk about a fantastic book! I can’t wait to see what happens with the screenplay. The characters are as dynamic as ever…and the point of the book is reminiscent of those by Asimov trying to define what makes a man a human—a great read that I flew through.

Another note…I bet you’re wondering why in the world there hasn’t been anything on Space Boy yet, right? Well, that’s because I didn’t get it until the Friday before last. Shame on me, I know. I really had fun with it though. The main character really reminds me of someone I know, or he did until he started yelling at the gnome-elf guy. I liked the concept though of the family and the little brother was my happy friend! Yay!

Ever since I began attending college I have been looking all over the place for a couple of people who are crazy obsessed like me. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for the rest of the world…there aren’t a whole lot of people like me, but I have found the next best thing. Spreading the Card love! Currently I have my roommate reading Ender’s Game, her boyfriend, who I hand out with a lot, reading Empire, and the boy who I just went out on a date with reading Enchantment.

Which brings me to the next and probably most important topic--my date. It was relatively uneventful and was actually weird because he told me he didn’t like Ender’s Game I recoiled and told him exactly why I like it so very much. I told him that the transformation of Ender from capertiller to butterfly is amazing and the single most important thing in the book. I love that Ender is so perfectly willing to submerge himself and become what they need him to be…sounds like a gospel lesson, don’t it!? Anyway…I was like all emotional and then we went and saw a movie and when we came out I told him that the thing I like most is when everything is happy and the characters are happy…I told him that makes life worth it. And then we got into another EG discussion and I wound up telling him that I would pretty much sacrifice my life for a character like Ender and that my only sorrow would be that I couldn’t save more characters. It was intense…and I really mean though. I would do anything for Ender’s happiness…anything except not have read EG.

Oh and thanks Jake for telling me about the link…I am so excited about it. I am so amazing!! Anyway…so yes my blog has been linked to Card’s webpage…by some awesome miracle that probably has a lot to do with Jake Black’s influence (thank you)!!!! And I have some new books on the way so be prepared for some awesome and wonderful reviews! They are…An Open Book, The Abyss, Ainge, Robota, and How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy. Look forward to it, and maybe I will have someone to share my anticipation with.

Oh and I bought more Red Prophet comics…so I will give you a feel for that soon too. Later…

27 September 2007

Upon Recovery

So I decided that eventually I would have to post over the most amazing post ever! Had to happen, right?
So here I am all Scard-amazing, and I personally don't know why life is worth living anymore, except to fulfill my wonderful Card-minion duties...All Praise Ender!!!
I have been...since I met Scott.
1. reading Invasive Procedures, and Space Boy.
2. buying and reading The Red Prophet comics--I hadn't realized that issues 7-10 were out)
3. basking in all that is CARD glory!
4. Pretending that I am just a normal college kid still
5. buying Card books on Amazon, and Abebooks (great website!!)
6. counting and re-counting the collection...
7. wondering where in my life this hobby will lead me?
8. ...bragging...nicely...mostly to my family and friends...
9. And playing AnsibleMOO!! Oh yeah!!

See, I haven't changed much at all...just completely! For those of you worried about a Card overload...don't worry so much(though your prayers would be nice)...I have been reading other people too...Long Live Robert Jordan!

It think the most surprising thing that I have done since I met Scard is...
getting on Hatrack.com every single day...and checking my mail for more Scard books...twice a day(even on Sundays)!!! Hip Hip Hoo-ray!!!!

14 September 2007

There is no proper title to this post...

So I woke up this fine morning and dressed in my orange t-shirt, my grey pants, my amazing converse shoes that are grey, orange, grey with Dragon Army on the sides. I pull on my grey and orange backpack grab my itinerary for the bus to get to Provo. I rode the TRAX and two buses down into greater Provo dedicated to go to the BYU Bookstore. I arrived, and I died.

I met up with Jake Black, who is amazing beyond all reason, and we went straight down to the bookstore and stood by the Scard section. Then we turned around and there he was. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
He was so amazing and in front of me and Jake introduced us and I died.

It really was very amazing talking to him and shaking his hand. He was there for a book signing, and he signed a few of my books, and I was in a state of euphoria. I talked with him and his wife, Kristine, who is a really wonderful person. The excitement is beyond me completely.

We stuck around for a while and tried to take some pic's with Scott--in the end we only got one, and a very funny video of us trying to take pictures...don't laugh to hard at us.

And Orson Scott Card decided that no blog is complete unless it has a mindcrush. Mindcrush, mindcrush, mindcrush...LOL

After all the excitement Jake, his wife Michelle, and I had lunch and then we went to his house. And I got to see the actual room where Jack Black is currently writing the Ender's Game Companion. Can you say, ahhhhh! I was having a blast as you can imagine. Um...anything else amazing to share???

Oh Jake is absolutely wonderful! I can't thank you enough Jake, for everything you did, said, and helped me do. You made a girl's dream today!!! You are my friend forever! Ahhhhhh!
Orson Scott Card, I have met you, and I still stand here untransfigured. Too bad for me...good for you. You get to hear me rant this amazing day for you. Bow down before all that is SCARD!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

10 September 2007

God's Army

Geoffrey Card must needs be commended for his great work with the novelization of the film God's Army. I loved the book! Way more than the movie! I was so happy to get some background from Elder Allen's life and his struggles and ahhhhhhh! I am so pleased with this book!

I love being able to imagine the missionaries out serving as we speak...my own brother is currently in the California, Carlsbad mission. I as so pleased with the book and with the talent of little Card. I expect more wonderful things in the future.

I am also pleased to bring to you the returnal of my human consciousness. Perhaps you have been wondering about the lack of posts this last week. There really is only one explanation. Stephanie Meyer. I couldn't help it! A certain friend of mine intimated that they were very captivating, written by an LDS author, and she LIKES scard. I really had to read them. And personally, In my own opinion, they were written well enough and Edward was captivating enough for the whole world to have a little piece, but I really thought of it as fun reading. Not serious reading at all--which is new to me...I like the topics that authors discuss and the way they develop their characters. There was a lack of this in the twilight series, so while I apologize to those of you who couldn't find a single flaw cover to cover, I must admit that the lack of thinking power that you need to read these books is laughable. Ha ha ha!

01 September 2007

Keeper of Dreams

Yep, that's Scard--for sure. At least that is the name of his new collection of short stories that will be coming out in April of 2008. Hooray! I am excited about this one, because I learned so much about Scard and his writing style from the first book of short stories that he released Maps in a Mirror. I hope this one has the introductions like the other one did. Here for you is the list of the short stories that will be appearing in Keeper of Dreams.

Science Fiction:

  • "The Elephants of Poznan"
  • "Atlantis"
  • "Geriatric Ward"
  • "Heal Thyself"
  • "Space Boy"
  • "Angles"


  • "Vessel"
  • "Dust"
  • "Homeless in Hell"
  • "In the Dragon's House"
  • "Inventing Lovers on the Phone"
  • "Waterbaby"
  • "Keeper of Lost Dreams"
  • "Missed"


  • "50 WPM"
  • "Feed the Baby of Love"

Hatrack River:

  • "Grinning Man"
  • "The Yazoo Queen"

Mormon Stories:

  • "Christmas at Helaman's House"
  • "Neighbors"
  • "God Plays Fair Once Too Often"
  • "Worthy to Be One of Us"

Personally when I read this list--I die, from excitement! This is going to be an awesome book--I am so excited! And you should be too!