I met up with Jake Black, who is amazing beyond all reason, and we went straight down to the bookstore and stood by the Scard section. Then we turned around and there he was. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
He was so amazing and in front of me and Jake introduced us and I died.
It really was very amazing talking to him and shaking his hand. He was there for a book signing, and he signed a few of my books, and I was in a state of euphoria. I talked with him and his wife, Kristine, who is a really wonderful person. The excitement is beyond me completely.
We stuck around for a while and tried to take some pic's with Scott--in the end we only got one, and a very funny video of us trying to take pictures...don't laugh to hard at us.
And Orson Scott Card decided that no blog is complete unless it has a mindcrush. Mindcrush, mindcrush, mindcrush...LOL
After all the excitement Jake, his wife Michelle, and I had lunch and then we went to his house. And I got to see the actual room where Jack Black is currently writing the Ender's Game Companion. Can you say, ahhhhh! I was having a blast as you can imagine. Um...anything else amazing to share???
Oh Jake is absolutely wonderful! I can't thank you enough Jake, for everything you did, said, and helped me do. You made a girl's dream today!!! You are my friend forever! Ahhhhhh!
Orson Scott Card, I have met you, and I still stand here untransfigured. Too bad for me...good for you. You get to hear me rant this amazing day for you. Bow down before all that is SCARD!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!