It is immensely hard to write a research paper about something that I absolutely adore and know a lot about. Currently I am writing one for my English class on science fiction. I bet you can imagine how it's going. (In case you can't...I keep trying to work in Card quotes, and I keep wanting to rant about how amazing SF is...)
Also I found this amazing book at the Salt Lake City Library about SF. Age of Wonders by David G. Hartwell. This has to be the funniest book I have ever tried to use to write a paper. I love it! I mean its like one of those satires that make fun of science fiction readers but in a way that only science fiction readers will truly understand. Its fantastic!
Furthermore, my roommate is up to her neck in Ender's Game...and loving it. We had an amazing literary discussion the other day about Ender and how he perceives himself. She's reading my copy of EG, with all my annotations and highlights, so she's getting a slightly different experience than I did my first time through. But then she's rooming with ME, so of course her experience will be tainted by my mere presence.
Oh and I have a friend who doesn't read SF, at all. But when I told her about my papers about EG and Card she decided to read it. She really had a good experience with the whole thing...she just really doesn't like SF that much. She really loved the character of Ender, but then how can you not? I really think she had a good time, and she said that she might read Speaker just to see what happens with Ender.
Drink deeply!