I knew there was a reason that I took a speech class in college. Spread the Card love--that is my goal. It's really exciting! I am going to give another this is what Card has done for me speech. And those are just way too fun.
It's an object speech--so I think I will bring one of my copies of Ender's Game. Maybe the one I mark-up...or the first copy I ever got. Oh. Maybe I should take my signed copy...wow. I really need to figure it out.
Anyway, I am just excited to have other people know how I feel.
There are seldom things going on in the Card front with my friends right now. Currently everyone is passing around various distopia novels. Namely The Giver--but also Harrison Bergeron by Vonnegut. It is just so much fun to discuss distopias together. Um...I did give a copy of EG to my fiancee. He says he'll read it when he gets time. I think he better get time soon. jk.
More later--