The other day I went back to the Used bookstore. This time I went up to the LDS section. And I reaped the joys of Card-ness. I found a first edition of A Storyteller in Zion. It is in near perfect condition, and I can't wait to get eye tracks all over it. I know its just essays and such, but I am really excited. I feel like I haven't had a new Card book to read in ages.
I am planning on devouring it on my plane back to Illinois for Christmas. Hopefully (hoffentlich) I will be able to get quite far, so I can post a review. I am really excited...and I have an ample amount of time in which to do so since Jared has left for Oregon.
...By the way I would like to report successful brainwashing here in Utah. I have shared Maps in a Mirror with my roommates boyfriend. And currently he is quoting "But We Try Not to Act Like It" in a last-ditch effort paper. It's pretty amazing when you are not the one who says "I got to quote Card in my paper." It feels like a million gold stars!