Finally, all things can return to normal!
Here's your run-o'-the-mill Scard post.
Orson Scott Card is (blank)? I'm starting this as a little game. You merely have to comment your feelings about OSC on the end of this blog. Got it?
Rule One: Please keep your language clean, if you hate him find some way to say it without swearing all over my blog!
Rule Two: Try to distinguish between the Author and the Man, okay? If you have two differing opinions (like I do), feel free to share them both.
Rule Three: Be honest.
Rule Four: There is no rule four!
You are probably very well acquainted with my opinion of Scard...and if not may I direct you to the rest of the blog. Since this post has rules, I think we'll make it an ongoing game. I'll post some of the results later.
Also I would very much like to start a poll for something, but I don't know email me ( if you have an idea! Yay!