Oh...how to start. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Yeah, that works. Okay so I am partial to the sci-fi, fantasy world regardless. Add Mr. Orson Scott to the mix and I basically...melt. I really like his books(as well I should) but I think my favorite part is that the characters are real. The people he creates are real. They make sense, they have hard decisions to make, they feel. If you poke them with a stick--they feel it. Take the ultimate example, Ender(of course), who is such a round character that it is impossible to not feel some of his pain. I have written a whole essay on Card's ability to characterize, and I will probably post that sometime in the future.
I also really like Card's attention to the story. He is an amazing storyteller. When you read Scard...make sure you try to keep an open mind and focus on some of the intricate details and don't try to be a literary critic. Read for feeling, for emotion. The entire experience is breathtaking. I hope you enjoy.